The Gariwerd (Grampians) National Park is an isolated stronghold for the Long-nosed Potoroo and Smoky Mouse. In partnership with Odonata, our Gariwerd Restoration Project will become a safe harbour for existing species within the Grampians National Park and will act as a future soft release site for additional species. Our focus for this property is to restore habitat for these fauna species.
The Long-nosed Potoroo is a small marsupial that once occurred across many parts of Victoria, however, due to habitat degradation and fragmentation, as well as predation by foxes and cats, it is now classified as endangered. Today the Long-nosed Potoroo is restricted to small areas within the Great Otway National Park, Glenelg National Park and far east Gippsland, preferring areas of dense vegetation. Other target species include the Southern Brown Bandicoot and Smoky Mouse.